In the future all companies will become FinTech companies
— Angela Strange, General Partner at Andreesson Horowitz


We are a FinTech firm that launch, operate, and scale a portfolio of brands and companies.

Our team has over 20 years of domain expertise which includes both technology and finance. We have an appetite for providing credit in underserved markets and believe in serving consumers throughout the credit spectrum.

We continue our expansion throughout the United States yet have a long-term desire to move into international markets.


What are we looking for?

We are looking to partner with other fintech executives, investors, and other industry professionals to continue to build our brands and to help build yours.

We are open to having a discussion with smart and passionate people in the Fintech space. Feel free to reach out.


What do we believe in?

Loyal customers are vital to any organization and ours is no different. We believe in treating our customers with respect throughout the loan process. Returning customers and referrals from our existing customer base are the backbone of our business. We believe we excel in this department by first treating our employees exceptionally. Without great employees, we can’t have great customers.



Advances in technology continue to allow prime distribution in financial services. FinTech companies continue to offer consumers an ever-increasing set of options that were previously unavailable or even unimaginable only a few short years ago. We continue to educate ourselves on new financial technology and look for new opportunities in this vertical.


Compliance is paramount in everything we do. We have a long history of working with state and federal regulators. We will continue to work diligently to build policies and procedures that allow us to serve our consumers in a compliant way.


Integration Partners